
April 1, 2013

This weekend I really fell off the eating healthy wagon. I had Chinese food, In-n-out burger, candy, and for the first time in months, soda. I mean seriously, what is wrong with me? I usually eat very healthy and fresh food, with no dairy, gluten, or wheat. However, once in the while I do indulge. So to reverse or “fix” this weekend’s mistakes, I am cleansing. I started yesterday and will continue throughout today. I really enjoy cleansing, it gives me energy , makes my skin radiant, and gives me an overall clean feeling. Usually when I cleanse, I like to do all fresh juice and green tea. Juices can be bought from places like Jimbos, Wholefoods, or a Juice Bar. However, for me, ever since I discovered Pinterest I have been a big fan of juicing myself. Here are some of my favorite pins:

I absolutley love the Kale cleanser, but I like to put my own spin on it by adding mint, cucumber, and (if I am feeling really adventurous) jalepeno. YUMM.

Any questions or comments, let me know in the comments below!

Be healthy. Be Yourself. You are Beautiful.


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