That 2020 Vision

January 7, 2020

Hello my Beauties,

Happy New Year! I hope everyone is having a great start to the new year. I’m so excited for 2020!

This past year has had some fantastic blessings like the arrival of my baby boy, Nolan! However, it has also had some very low – lows,  some of which include losing my father in law to cancer and falling out with a good friend. As I reflect on the events of this past year  I am filled with gratitude for both the good and bad. Every one of these events has taught me a precious lesson. I’ve learned to appreciate little life moments, the quiet times, the routine, to be present,  to be thankful, count my blessings, to not give my time and energy to people who don’t deserve it, self-control, and to *try* to see people through God’s eyes.

This year I’m building on last year’s lessons and adding to them.

-Lose Baby Weight

I know I know everyone and their mama is trying to lose weight. But y’all this baby weight has got to go!  I am taking a bit of a different approach than I have in the past. As most of you know, I have done pretty much every diet under the sun- and while some have worked, the result was always crash and burn. I  want to make smart changes and not obsess over my weight. Take a more French approach  to diet < if you’ve been listening to Ingrid De La mara Kenny you know what I’m talking about

-More Date nights

This one is pretty self-explanatory. John and I need to learn to disconnect more often and prioritize our relationship. We always try our best, but of course, the kids complicate things a bit. Getting back into taking time alone helps us connect, sparks, and reenergizes our relationship.

-Show Grace

Grace is my focus word for 2020. I need to be more graceful and show grace to others. Grace towards others who have wronged me, patience towards my kids, my husband, my family, and towards myself. I need to learn not to be petty and let little things get to me.

-Focus on Work

This is probably an obvious one too, but I am not very self-motivated. I am a lazy procrastinator and need to step into the habit of prioritizing and focusing on work in order to succeed.

-Travel More

I love love to travel. To see new places, new food,  new people, experiencing new cultures invigorates me.

-Find a way to serve at church

I used to serve with the kid’s ministry and on the worship team a long ago. Since then, I haven’t done much in the church besides attending. This year I want to be present and listen to where the Lord is leading me to serve.


I have been so stressed and my patience has run so thin I’m ashamed to say I haven’t really been a great mother lately. I feel like I’ve been letting my anger get the best of me, and I’m not happy about it; this year, I want to be more patient with my kids; to enjoy these fleeting moments.

What are your new year resolutions? Let me know below!


Beauty Starts Within and Within You Are Beautiful!

I’ve added some of my favorite photos of 2019 in this post. Here are a few more

–––Shop this look –––

Let’s connect:



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