SkinCare Tuesday: DIY Pumpkin Facial Mask

November 15, 2016

Hello Everyone,

Pumpkin is definitely the star of the Fall season. Everyone  is crazy for pumpkin spice lattes, candles, even potato chips are pumpkin flavored now! Soooo, why not do a facial mask using pumpkin.

Pumpkin is incredible ingredient for skincare. Pumpkin contains vitamin A,vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E, alpha and beta carotenes, iron, potassium, and many antioxidants which are all amazing for fighting wrinkles & sun/ age spots and  keeping your skin young and glowing. Pumpkin is great for acne  prone skin, as well. Pumpkins contain zinc and niacin. Those are both great for treating acne, help control oil production, fighting inflammation, as well as assist with healing of the skin.  It also works so well for treating a dull complexion and pigmentation.< amazing right?

So let’s get started with this mask

4 tablespoons of pumpkin puree or home cooked pumpkin(boiled)

2 tablespoons of Raw Honey< I have talked a bunch about the amazing benefits of raw honey. It is antibacterial, moisturizing, full of antioxidants,  and great for cleansing skin.

1 egg white- which works to soften skin and also helps with oiliness

1 Vitamin E capsule opened < another ingredient that I freaken love. Vitamin E is very  moisturizing to your skin. It repairs renews damaged skin and is great for circulation and cell turnover

1/2 teaspoon of Cinnamon powder.- Cinnamon is a natural exfoliant for your face with antibacterial and antifungal properties. Be careful to those with sensitive skin may want to go light on the cinnamon or omit it altogether, as may be an irritant.

Mix it all together and apply to your face and relax for 10 minute, wash and reveal your glowing radiant skin that seasonally approved!

As always please do a patch test on skin before to test for irritation and  ALWAYS wear sunscreen.

What are your favorite DIY Masks? Let me know below!

Stay Beautiful friends!

J <3


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