Skin Care Tuesday: Get to know Spa Cells

January 17, 2017

Hello my darlings!

Hope everyone is having a good week so far! My weekend was great! I attended  my cousin’s bridal shower which was so fun! It was a Chanel themed shower which you know I was loving. We also celebrated my daughters 3rd birthday, which she  loved being showered with attention and lots of gifts.  It was such a fun-filled weekend, but I am glad to have this week to relax.

So, let’s talk Spa Cells! Honestly I have been using and loving this product for many years now, and completely forgot to ever feature it until a good friend  asked me if I ever heard of them. I was like Heck yes I am all about that Spa Cells life. Then, I knew I had to feature them for skin care Tuesday.


{What is it & What it does}

SpaCells is a special type of sponge that, “not only cleans and removes make-up, but exfoliates and massages your skin, stimulating blood and lymph flow to decrease puffiness, eliminate toxins and promotes cellular regeneration.” (SpaCells)

{How to use}

Slip your fingers inside the sponge and  apply with your favorite  cleanser. The clear side is gentler and is ideal for facial cleansing. The colored side is better for rougher areas like back of the arms, legs, elbows, and knew.

I also have the larger mitt also for my entire body,  that I love, but the smaller one is fine for whole body use.

Once you’re done using your SpaCells , rinse loofah well and shake it out. SpaCells  are naturally antifungal, antibacterial and mildew resistant.

You guys, I love this, I use my Spa Cells every day when I shower. It’s fast and perfect for daily exfoliation. I especially love it to exfoliate over areas that tend to get ingrown hairs like bikini area, under arms, and back.

Check out SpaCells for yourself HERE

Have you used SpaCells? Let me know below!

Stay Beautiful Friends!

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